Thursday, April 30, 2009

Laying Low

Time to let BBC take a back seat for a few days. Lots of things to think about.
I'm still going to keep up with my blog (its the only reason I do my housework now.) and I'll be on facebook for updates.

Things are pretty intense at home.
An old roommate is in ICU on life support in St Louis (that's about 1 1/2 hours away from us) from problems in surgery.
My IRL BFF is dealing with alot in her family, everyone is suffering from health problems.
I just am a hormonal mess right now, the Mirena had me messed up health wise, but I'm afraid its going to take me longer than I thought to get my emotions straight.

Okay so I have a new goal....

And its going to be hard, very very very hard.

I may have to make a weekly goal, because I think saying NO to this for a month may be too overwhelming.

A weekly goal it is....

No Bars and/or Drinking for one week.

The drinking part is do-able...the bar part will be very very trying for me. In a town where there are 3 gas stations, 1 McDonalds, and 6 Bars.....and yep that's it, not even a bowling alley anymore....Its where we go to kill time. I can go without drinking, but the socializing, the playing darts or pool or singing karaoke....its gonna be a challenge.

The only exception I will make is if Matt doesn't pull thru his chemical induced coma, because then all of the friends & family will meet up at Luke's to share the memories and I refuse to miss that.

Ok. So it's official. No Bars/drinking for one week starting NOW.

Thursdays Are My Fave

I love that we have NOTHING planned on Thursdays. It is veg out day. No schools, no therapies, no picking up daycare kids from fact Thursdays even mean short daycare days!

Last night I skipped class & went to a lia sophia show with one of my teammembers. It was nice to get out of the house & not have to do anything.
But it wasn't all peaches n cream.....DH called me on the way to the show & FLIPPED out because I hadn't done dishes, or actually I hadn't finished the dishes he didn't do the night before. I told him I loved him, I'd see him later & Goodbye all calmly, gently, sweet and hung up the phone.

Dishes didn't get done yesterday but these things did:

Bed Made
Kitchen Floor Swept (Ewwww, it was nasty)
Dining Table & Chairs Scrubbed **

** NOTE TO ALL -- If you are considering a purchase of a dining set for your house, I warn now against the choices of glass top tables. They are disgusting to look at after kids have sat there. Cleaning the top without streaking takes me long enough but then the fingerprints & smears & of course little bits of uneaten foods are seen thru the top and cleaning the underside is hard to do!

Maybe I will actually finish up my May food list today too...sorry to leave ya hanging...Midnight grocery run tonight, so it has to get finished!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Menu for May

Working on May's Menu plan....a strategy that should help 2 areas. This should lower $$ spent on groceries and also mass chaos at the end of the day when I start all day classes.

So here is my list of Meals....
oh wait, have to go pick up CarCar from preschool...will post them during nap time.

OK, so as of now, I only have 22 days planned. But my goal is to double a couple of the recipes and freeze to save time.

1. Shortcut Chicken Manicotti
2. BBQ Beef Fajita
3. Cheesy Beef & Veg Pasta

1-3 served with small side salad, croutons, bacon bits, cherry tomatoes, olives, lite dressing

Gotta get Naynen ready for school now...called in reinforcements to pick him up & actually take him. LOL. Bad me.

Oh the distractions in my daily life!!!
I'm back now :) But before I continue, I'm telling you that I am not at all looking forward to making this grocery list!

4. Grilled Chx (thats chicken for those who haven't waitressed. hehe), Corn on Cob, Pasta Salad
5. Deli Sandwiches, Tortilla Chips & Dip of some sort
6. Steak on grill, baked potatoe, fruit
7. Lemon Pepper Pan Fried Pork Cutlets (or chops, whatever is in our freezer), Pasta Salad, Baked Beans
8. Tex Mex Skillet -- (this website is now to be abbreviated M4M....otherwise I will never get this all typed out!)
9. Ranch Chicken (M4M) , Glazed carrots (M4M), Side Salad
10. Beef Stroganoff (M4M), Egg noodles, Green Beans
11. Hamburger & Hotdogs on grill, Side Salad, Fruit
12. Rope Sausage on grill, Side Salad, Mac n Chz
13. Grilled Chicken, Creamed Spinach (M4M), Fruit
14. ohhhhhhh myyyyyy.....let me tell you how much I don't miss my data entry position AT ALL

Oops, ok back to it, sorry to leave y'all hangin.

14. Taco Mac Salad (M4M), yogurt & apples
15. Alfredo chicken Pizza (M4M), Side Salad
16. Steak on grill, Side salad, Mac n Chz
17. Pork, Corn on the cob, Mashed Potatoes
18. French Bread Pizza, Salad
19. Chx Enchiladas (M4M), Salad
20. Mandarin Topped Chops (M4M), Couscous (M4M)
21. Primevera Pasta Pie (M4M), Cottage Cheese & fruit
22. Steak, Baked Potato, Salad

I'm still thinking of adding to this....But maybe I won't.....I just don't know. My hormones are a little out of whack today, who knows what will end up happening before my shopping trip

Not even 10 am

And I have made my bed, started laundry, cleared the dining table, put away clean/dry dishes, swept the kitchen floor.

That's alot for me. I am feeling exhausted already (sad I know, but I've been dealing with helath issues & it is what it is) but its keeping my mind off of other things.

An old friend of mine was put on life support the day before yesterday. I have lost a few friends to accidents, mostly involving alcohol & I have always been able to relate their tragedies to their own lack of self responsibility. But its hard for me to come to terms when people near my age near death on no terms of their own.

Matt aspirated during surgery, his lungs filled with fluid & they are trying everything they can to correct it. The family is in shock to state it simply. Just playing a waiting game now to see what path he walks down.

I am going to try to stay busy today. I will try updating later my accomplishments :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Celebrate the matter what the size

This is my new slogan.

Today I was on time dropping off & picking up the boys from Preschool. This may sound like an unimportant accomplishment but it was very very important to me today.
I am not a late person. I do not arrive late anywhere. In the off chance that I get stuck behind a tractor (no real traffic jams in cornfield country) or stopped at the train tracks, I call first. That's just me. I like to be early and prepared.

Every single event that I have attended for the past week, I have been late for. Not majorly late but 5, 10, 15 minutes late. It really had me stressed. Yesterday was bad, I almost cried because of it.

But alas, I recovered....dropped of CarCar with a few minutes to spare, picked him up -- first car in line. Dropped off Naynen a few minutes early & pulled him out of class 20 minutes early. I even got to class myself this evening early!!

WOOHOO...I have found myself again!!

Ok, on to my real accomplishments for the day:
Bed made
Toilet cleaned
One of Three comp papers written (oops the other 2 were due tonight too, but thankfully the teacher took pity on us & extended the deadline to next week)

Small successes all the way around...even for DH. He did the dishes without me asking :) Gotta love days like this! I think I deserve some ice cream now.

Weekend Slacker

Yep, that's me.
Did a whole lot of nothing around the house & it shows!

I did do my part for the church though. Chaperoning the youth at the Cardinals/Cubs game was an absolutely fabulous time. We all had lots of fun. Its a great group of kids.

Yesterday was church, where the youth decided to attach themselves to me & my dear BFF (we were the chaperones of the year as of Saturday. LOL)

Had a jewelry show in the afternoon, made it short & sweet...and then while dh went out to the bars (big big *sigh* of frustration) me and the 3 monsters played at the park til it got dark out & then pigged out on ice cream & went to bed

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sunny Days, sweeping the clouds away....

It is sooooo beautiful this morning!

The sun is shining, I can hear the birds singing (and the windows are still closed!), It looks a little windy but hey, who's going to complain about that when we are finally getting some warmth!?!

I realized that in my opening post, I forgot to mention one very important thing about my new lifestyle....I've been waking up early. Early as in by 6:30am. Early as in...I just wrote a comp paper last week asking all alarms going off before 8am to be outlawed.

It took a day to get used to it, but already I feel better. I feel more energized & like I get some time to myself (usually at least a few minutes before the kids are all up) It feels good.

It also feels good to look over at my sink and see NOT ONE SINGLE dirty dish! Woot Woot!!

Ok, guess I should go try to make this day at least as accomplished as yesterdays. Later y'all

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Honesty with your best friends

Can someone explain this to me?

DH & his BFF have been BFF's for longer than I have known them. They were roommates & worked together when I first met DH.

Why is it that DH cannot tell his BFF when something he does bothers him? He just avoids the issue....if it were something I had done, he wouldn't hesitate to tell me how annoyed he was.

I often get defensive & pipe up about it, usually without DH knowing since he would likely freak out and tell me I was a witch for telling the truth.

I'm just annoyed that DH doesn't do anything about being treated so poorly & I'm sick of being the "bad guy" for saying its wrong to be so disrespectful towards your friends....*sigh*
I just want my DH to have friends who actually care about him. Its hard to see him hurt & not admitting it.

This is why I am here.

It's time for a change. Not just a small adjustment, but a real change in the way I am living.
I hope that this will help me feel accountable & that those of you who know my background and my current struggles will jump with joy in anything that gets accomplished.

For those who don't know, here is the short story:
Dh & I have had a very rocky relationship. We married for the wrong reasons, married young, started a family too soon, yada yada yada. We have been together for 8 years, married for 5 1/2. We have 3 fabulous children (Naynen - 4, CarCar - 3, Princess - 1). DH owns his own business & I have 2 that I run at home. I am also a fulltime student, this is my first semester.
Anywho, we are recovering from a seperation of 3 months. It was hard, very hard. We are happy to be back together & are ready to sacrifice & compromise & make the changes within ourselves that will make this work & work well.

Ok, so lots going on, BUT my #1 focus right now is being a "Good Christian Wife". Submitting myself to my husband & serving him & focusing on making him happy....pffft...that's sooo not my style.
It's gonna be a challenge.

Part 1, get the house in order!!
I basically am the worst housekeeper EVER. And this drives my dear husband insane!! So I am challenging myself to get my house organized, clean, and keeping it that way...with dear husband having to do a minimum amount of chores when he is home from work.

I used to make lists of what I wanted done, but I never finish them and then feel bad about it so I think I'm going to start this off with lists of the things I do get accomplished in the day, and later we'll add a to-do list ;)

Its just before hubs will be home from work and today I have

washed & dried laundry
done the dishes & cleaned the sink
swept the dining room floor
started folding the mounds of laundry that were taking over our bedroom
took care of some school things for this next semester
shopped at a resale shop (I gotta have some retail therapy at some point!)
listed out the contents of pantry/fridge/freezer in an attempt to not buy groceries for the rest of the month (except milk & bread)
made some doctors appts
called about getting our 3 yo into preschool next year

I feel very accomplished already...that's alot more than I usually do (oh my that really is sad, isn't it)

Ok, off for more laundry & getting ready for dinner!